"Ann Pugh's policies are disabling Vermont"
Andrew Thomas sent out his campaign’s first mailing with the headline of “I can overcome my disability, but Ann Pugh’s policies are disabling Vermont… “.
I was paralyzed in a car accident six years ago, but it hasn’t stopped me from enjoying life. I currently work as a call center representative, and I want to represent you in Montpelier.
Vote for a Change
After 16 billion in new spending,
it is time for a change.
After 9 years of an inoperable Act 60/68,
it is time for a change.
After 14 years of Ann Pugh,
it is time for a change.
Pugh’s experience consists of raising taxes, creating expensive health care monopolies, and tripling the budget. Experience that Vermont doesn’t need. These policies she has voted for have crippled Vermont’s economic engine and are making the state unaffordable for both young and old Vermonters.
View the “first mailing.”