Register to Vote. If you are not yet a registered voter and are eligible to vote, what are you waiting for. Seize your right vote and don’t take it for granted. Whether you do or don’t believe in our views, you should make a stand for what you believe in and cast your vote.
More Info . If you think you have any interest in our views and positions request more info. It’s free and there is no obligation.
Join Us. If you feel you are a Libertarian… Great! Join us and vote for liberty!
Contribute, Volunteer and Take Action. Contribute to help reduce the size, power, expense, and intrusiveness of government by building a stronger, more effective party.” Let your voice be heard! Read about these latest issues of note, then take action or contact your elected officials, newspaper editors with your opinions and comments. Most of the day-to-day work of our party and our campaigns is done by tens of thousands of volunteers working at the state and local level. We need your help.
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