Vermont Libertarian News – September 2004
September 18, 2004
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The Vermont Libertarian Party
1. From the Chair
2. Calendar of Events
3. We Need Your Help!
4. In the News: Oh Peter, Stop Your Whining!
5. VTLP Launches New Website
6. Contact Us / Become a Member
We have launched an ambitious fund raising drive this month to help our candidates make a real splash on November 2.
Click here to read the details of our election plan and to make your contribution to this important effort.
Also, thanks to new member Jeremy Ryan, the VTLP now has a professional and informative website. The new site is a BIG improvement on our web presence and is a great resource for members and those interested in learning more about our Party.
The biggest obstacle for statewide third party candidates is the fact that they are excluded from nearly all debates and forums. Hardy Machia, our candidate for governor who has been campaigning for 6 months, has been trying in vain to receive the same type of access the major party candidates receive.
The most common explanation for his exclusion is, “You are not polling at 5%.” This presents a chicken-and-egg situation for our candidates. If Hardy and others received the same access s to these high profile events that the major party candidates, perhaps they would be polling at 5% (or more). Whatever your political persuasion, I encourage you to write or call your favorite news outlet and ask them to include third party candidates in their campaign debates and coverage this year. An expanded debate with many perspectives is a key ingredient to a healthy democracy.
In Liberty,
Brendan Kinney, Chair
Vermont Libertarian Party
contact me
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September 29
The Ethan Allen Institute welcomes Christopher Gill, former Member of Parliament and currently Chairman of the Freedom Association in the UK, who will speak at an Institute dinner Wednesday,September 29, at the Lincoln Inn, Essex Junction. Social hour at 6:00 in the Lounge; dinner at 7:00 upstairs. Mr. Gill will speak on the workings of the National Health Service, the effects of firearms prohibitions, and the threat of submersion of Great Britain into the statist, bureaucratic European Union.
The dinner price is $20. Reservations are essential, and may be made by emailing [email protected] or phoning 802 695 1448.
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The VTLP is working very hard behind the scenes to help its candidates make a big impact in this election cycle. Please read our election update by clicking here and consider a donation to help our efforts!
Thank you.
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“Oh, Peter, stop your whining and count your blessings,” was the message that Libertarian candidate Hardy Machia had for Peter Clavelle, who is complaining about a lack of debates with Douglas.
Machia, who is the other full-time candidate for governor, has valid reasons to complain.:
1. The League of Women Voters of Vermont (LWVV) is excluding Machia from the gubernatorial debate in Ludlow on October 7. According to Marge Gaskins, president of the LWVV, “…our criteria for debate candidates does not include any independents this year.” Clavelle is included.
2. The Vermont Labor Forum is excluding Machia from the gubernatorial debate on September 22. According to organizer Emma Mulvaney-Stanak, two weeks was insufficient time to reorganize the debates.(*) Clavelle is included.
3. The Burlington Free Press is excluding Machia from the biweekly side-by-side editorials. The Free Press has shown their bias and has given their anointed candidates Clavelle and Douglas free advertising every other week as part of the “Editorial Series.” Clavelle is included.
4. Channel 5 News has excluded Machia from equal news coverage. While handing out literature and stickers at the Northfield Labor Day parade, Machia was interviewed by Channel 5 News, but the nightly news only aired interviews of Clavelle and Douglas.
Machia said, “In talking with voters at the Rutland State Fair and the Champlain Valley Expo these past two weeks, many of them don’t like the Democrat or Republican candidates and were excited to find out they had another choice in the race.”
Hardy Machia, 35, of Grand Isle, VT, is a computer software designer and is running a full-time campaign for governor. He has garnered the Libertarian Party’s nomination. More information is available at
(*) The forum is 90 minutes long. Each candidate has four minutes to answer five questions and 30 minutes was allotted for questions from the public. 4 * 5 + 4 * 5 + 30 = 70 minutes and they have allotted 90 minutes for the debate. There are actually 20 minutes available, which is enough time for one more candidate to answer the five questions.
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Thanks to the efforts of new member Jeremy Ryan, the VTLP has an exciting and informational new website. The site is much more professional looking and user friendly than the previous iteration of the Party’s site and serves as an excellent resource for current members and others who would like to learn more about the Party. Bookmark it today!
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To make a contribution to the Vermont Libertarian Party, click here, or to become a member, click here.
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For information or to submit news, letters, or articles, contact Brendan Kinney, Chair, Vermont Libertarian Party, contact me.
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VERMONT LIBERTARIAN NEWS is a publication of the Vermont Libertarian Party, PO Box 5475, Burlington, VT 05402. All Rights Reserved. Copyright (C) 2004.