Few Oppose High State Budget
Hardy Machia’s letter-to-the-editor was published by the Rutland Herald on June 20, 2006.
“Few opposed high state budget”
Senator Wilton wrote, “The recent news about a forecasted $83 million deficit in fiscal year 2008 ought to make voters think twice about electing people who have consistently voted with the majority in this recent biennium.”
Wilton is right. Vermont’s budget is out of control. It has increased almost $1 billion over the last four budgets.
Here are the brave legislators who voted against the majority on the 2007 budget bill. Clark of St. Johnsbury, Errecart of Shelburne, Hube of Londonderry, Johnson of Canaan, Larocque of Barnet, Larrabee of Danville, Miller of Elmore, Parent of St. Albans City, Peaslee of Guildhall, Winters of Swanton, and Coppenrath of Caledonia.
It wasn’t a very long list. There were no legislators from Rutland County who voted against increasing spending in Vermont.
In November, Rutland voters will be able to vote for Libertarian candidates who will say no to increased spending, yes to lowering taxes, and yes to improving our economy and freedoms so young Vermonters will want to stay in Vermont to live, work, and play.
Chairman, Vermont Libertarian Party