
Vermont Libertarian Party Adopts New Platform
Vermont Libertarian Party Adopts New Platform. Hardy Machia stated, “We taken another step into the realm of practical politics with our new platform. It lays out a sensible middle ground toward more freedom, lower taxes, and smaller government-which a majority of Vermonters support.”

Vermont Libertarian Party Adopts New Platform
Vermont Libertarian Party Adopts New Platform. Hardy Machia stated, “We taken another step into the realm of practical politics with our new platform. It lays out a sensible middle ground toward more freedom, lower taxes, and smaller government-which a majority of Vermonters support.”

More disgust with old parties
“I don’t see either party doing anything advantageous for the population,” …Nearly 70 percent of the public believes the country is on the wrong track, a level of pessimism that rivals the nation’s sentiment in 1992…voters may be angry enough to support a third-party bid…

Annual Libertarian Convention Announced
The Vermont Libertarian Party will hold its Convention on Saturday, April 29, from 9:30 AM to 4 PM at the Capitol Plaza Hotel & Conference Center in Montpelier.