Does Bernie Sanders actually believe his own stump speeches?
On Tuesday night, December 13, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) withdrew his request for a Senate floor vote on a Yemen War Powers Resolution that would effectively end US support for the Saudi-led war and blockade on Yemen. His excuse? President Biden would veto the resolution.
Sanders’ decision to withdraw his support of the War Powers Resolution is yet another example of a politician who aggressively virtue signals on behalf of peace in order to mask their obeisance to corporate powers, in this case the Military Industrial Complex. Rather than call out the Biden administration’s stance, Sanders claims that President Biden wanted to work with Congress on “crafting language that would be mutually acceptable” are at best disingenuous. Such political maneuvers continue to enable a brand of violence and starvation that has, since 2014, led to a humanitarian nightmare. Coupled with the virtual silence from Sanders on the Biden’s Administrations decision to submit a “Suggestion Of Immunity” for Mohammed bin Salman for his role as the architect of the murder/decapitation of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, one has to question whether Sanders actually believes any of his campaign stump speeches.
“According to UN estimates, by the end of 2021, at least 377,000 people had been killed in the war. The UN said that about 150,000 people had died in violence while the rest were killed by starvation and disease caused by the war and blockade on the country. The U.S.-backed coalition is notorious for bombing civilians, and civilian casualties spiked earlier this year, right before the ceasefire was reached in March.” (Dave DeCamp, The Libertarian Party of Vermont calls on Senator Sanders and President Biden to end the suffering and death of the Yemeni people. This should be a nonpartisan high priority. We call on every Vermonter, particularly those who chose to vote for Bernie Sanders, to contact his offices in DC and Burlington, and demand passage of legislation that would end American legal, financial & logistical support for the ongoing slaughter of the people of Yemen.
Washington, D.C. Phone: 202-224-5141
Burlington, VT Toll-free: 800-339-9834 Phone: 802-862-0697