Why Do We Value the Messenger Over the Message?
The following is an opinion piece by VTLP member Travis Spencer:
As individuals we don’t like to be lied to. We don’t tolerate it when our kids or spouses do it. We get angry and question things an individual who lied to us says in the future. So why do we allow our politicians to continue to lie to us on a regular basis? We have elevated the messenger over the message. Let’s take the recent debt ceiling debate as an example. In 2007 then Senator Obama as well as Harry Reid and many Democrats opposed raising the debt ceiling under President Bush. These folks said raising the ceiling was “unpatriotic” and “showed a lack of leadership”. Fast forward to this past October and Harry Reid and now President Obama claim we need to raise the debt ceiling or the country will fall apart. Well which one is it guys? Apparently the more important issue is the messenger and not the message.
This is a two way street and both parties play the game. Let’s stick with the recent debt ceiling debate to show the hypocrisy on the right. Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell who claims to be a “fiscal conservative” and has railed against government spending finds solace in voting to raise the debt ceiling and ending the government shutdown because his home state was given a $2.9 billion earmark for a dam project. What is good for the goose is clearly good for the gander. No need to leave the table empty handed Senator McConnell since it is just tax payer money.
This is the game the Washington beltway plays with us every year lies on top of lies and the only thing that matters to them is who is in power when the lie is made. Why do we continue to allow this to happen, why do we believe the messenger and continue to reelect them. Only once since 1994 has the incumbent re-election percentage dropped below 90% and since 1964 it has never dropped below 85% but we constantly hear how low the approval rating of congress is. It is the classic case of my elected official is great it is the rest of the bums who are the problem.
It is time we hold our politicians to the fire. We need elected officials of principal, ones with ideas that they stand behind with conviction not blowing in the wind with the recent media poll. Men and women who want a better nation and are willing to sacrifice for what’s right not just tell you what you want to hear to get re-elected. This however takes work by the populace; it takes time to educate yourself about issues. Time to investigate on your own not just to believe the sound clip on TV. If a politician says one thing on Monday and the opposite on Tuesday don’t accept it send them a message. We send our kids to their rooms when they lie so maybe it is time to send our politicians home to their rooms. The career politician who plays both side of the coin has no pride and doesn’t deserve your respect. This nation was founded on a message and folks that believed the message was more powerful than the messenger. It is time we get back to that belief. Time to elect individuals of conviction, individuals of honor who will protect and defend your rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and not use your tax dollars as their personal bank account.