Hardy Macia Dies: Libertarian Activist and Candidate
America lost a true hero of freedom this week with the passing of Hardy Macia.
He was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in August 2012. It’s typically a treatable form of cancer, but Macia’s did not respond the way he and his doctors had hoped. He was recently hospitalized in New Hampshire, then transferred to Fletcher Allen Health Care in Burlington to be closer to family.
Hardy was a long-time supporter of the Libertarian Party. He served as chair of the Vermont LP for several terms, and regional rep to the LNC for a term. He ran for office multiple times as a Libertarian, including for Governor of Vermont in 2004 (as a Libertarian). He served for several years as chair of the Selectboard of Grand Isle, VT. He also served on the Gary Johnson for President campaign.
Hardy’s passion for the cause of liberty was an inspiration to so many. Hardy even fought for liberty from the hospital bed, which is just one of many examples of his dedication.
Rest in peace Hardy. You will be missed.
Before Hardy passed on, he released a video pleading with Gov. Maggie Hassan to support the legality of growing medical marijuana at home, a provision removed from a bill passed in March that allows the use of marijuana for medical purposes in New Hampshire.
The video is a heartbreaking personal message from Macia, who was diagnosed last August with Hodgkin’s lymphoma and says he probably only has weeks left to live. Medical marijuana is one of the few things that make the life he has left bearable.
“To get to sleep at night, sometimes it’s the only thing that helps put me out, versus some of the harsh drugs that they give me, like the oxycodone or vicodin,” Macia said in the video.
The video is below:
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May 19, 2013 @ 9:28 pm
I was active in the VTLP in the 90’s and early ’00’s, I still consider myself a libertarian but choose not to be polltical right now. I knew Hardy somewhat from back then and he was one of the strongest supporters of personal freedom I knew and a really decent and straightforward kind of person, he walked what he talked. I was active at the time the LP endorsed Vermont’s civil union law, Hardy wisely took a middle ground on the subject, I remember him making the point that if the state misguidedly grants state supported marriage to one group of individuals(heterosexuals) and another group wants the state to grant them the same right to marry whomever they choose(homosexuals) the only libertarian recourse is to either repeal state marriage entirely(which some of us had no problem with) or failing that to grant state marriage to everybody who wishes to consider themselves married to somebody. Civil union appeared to be a step in the right direction. Hardy as secretary of the VT LP endorsed civil unions for that reason, a wise move in that it eventually led to allowing state marriage for same sex couples. Hardy’s wise middle ground approach to libertarian politics will be missed.
May 20, 2013 @ 8:59 am
Hardy blessed us all with his presence, leadership and support. Two of Vermonts best pass within weeks of each other, referring to Jim Hedbor.
The video of his whisper calling for better treatment ot MJ in NH was heartbreaking, and effective.
Decrim of MJ here in Vermont happenned within hours +or- of his passing. We can hope this was to his credit, and that he got to know it.
His life was an inspiration and blessing for us all, We must remember his life, his Wife, his many close friends, and his large contributions to the computerized cellular world thru Catamount.