Upcoming Liberty Events
Below are a couple upcoming events that may be of interest to members…
Green Mountain Patriots Monthly Meeting
** When: Sat May 4, 2013 9am – 11am Eastern Time
** Where: Essex Grange Hall, 118 Center Rd. Essex Junction, VT 05452 (map)
** Contact: Green Mountain Patriots: [email protected], http://www.greenmountainpatriots.org
** About Green Mountain Patriots:
We, the Green Mountain Patriots, envision a free, prosperous society rooted in the “Self Evident” truths expressed by America’s Declaration of Independence. We are always mindful that our rights are not a gift from government but rather are inherent rights from our Creator. We recognize that elected officials are our servants, not our masters. We know that an expansive government not only threatens our individual liberties but also usurps the institutions of Civil Society. We seek to preserve our liberty, preserve our constitutional rights, create prosperity and insure justice by limiting government intrusion into our lives.
Global Marijuana March — Vermont
** When: Sat May 4, 2013 2 – 4:45pm Eastern Time
** Where: Burlington City Hall Park, Burlington, VT 05401
** Contact: https://www.facebook.com/events/529558130429372/?ref=22
** About the Global Marijuana March:
VERMONT! We’re going to OCCUPY DRUG POLICY in City Hall Park, Burlington on Saturday. Please join us at 2pm to get petition forms to get legalization on your Town Meeting Day ballot for 2014, and to learn how Ibogaine could help with the opiate abuse problem growing in Vermont.
The first Saturday in May has a decades-long tradition with a Global Marijuana March. Over a hundred cities participate in raising awareness of prohibition laws and the drug war’s political prisoners.
Join us to OCCUPY DRUG POLICY — to talk about petitioning to treat marijuana like wine in Vermont, to talk about how industrial hemp can help our rural economy, and how Ibogaine (if it were legalized) can help those with harder drug problems they’d like to quit.
May 3, 2013 @ 5:04 pm
Freedom & Unity Festival Hosted by Vermonters for Liberty
Saturday August 17th Location TBD
Speakers include Joel Salatin, self-described “Christian-libertarian-environmentalist-capitalist-lunatic-Farmer”, speakers from the Tenth Amendment Center, music including Jordan Page, workshops and more!
May 6, 2013 @ 2:36 pm
Thanks Hunter, I will add the event to the upcoming events postings.