Jim Hedbor, Two Time Libertarian Candidate for US Senate Dies
The Free Press today has a factual, and flattering, article honoring Jim Hedbor, along with his Wife Eloise, and Bill Wicker. He twice ran for US Congress as a Libertarian, and one of those times was actually Endorsed by the Free Press! and the Caledonia Record over Democrat and Republican candidates. He was that remarkable in Vermont Libertarian history. Jim, with Bill Wicker, who ran a credible campaign for Governor, and with the help of Bill McGuire had a credibility and message which have created the most memorable time in Libertarian actual Politics in my experience. There will likely be an obituary appearing in following days.
My recollections are of a very positive, and optimistic Libertarian and family man. He was an excellent salesman, always very knowledgeable, which helped his advocacy and campaign efforts. He was a truly remarkable communicator. He had prepared by attending the Cato Institute, the prime Libertarian think tank, and continued to support them for decades.
A memorial gathering will be held Sat, Feb 23d, at 1PM at the Inn at Essex, off Rt 15 in Essex Center.
Work for the Return of Liberty and Common Sense in his honor.
Doug Richmond
Please feel free to share your own comments/memories below in the comments section…
February 18, 2013 @ 2:46 pm
Thanks for sharing this. What a shame a guy like this couldn’t get elected vs the mediocre traditional candidates.
February 18, 2013 @ 2:49 pm
I am saddened by the loss. Thank you for sharing with me. See you soon Fred