Meeting to Distribute Gary Johnson Materials and Discuss Campaign
We will be holding a meeting for anyone interested in Gary Johnson yard signs, bumper stickers, etc. We will also be discussing other activities such as tabling/sign waves that could be done for the Johnson campaign.
Details are below…
** Meeting to Distribute Gary Johnson Materials and Discuss Campaign
** Purpose: Distribute Gary Johnson yard signs, bumper stickers, etc. and discuss tabling/sign wave efforts
** When: September 12, 2012, 7-8pm.
** Where: Shaws in South Burlington in the Meeting Room. Map/directions:
** For more info contact: Jeremy Ryan, [email protected], (802) 735-2149.
Jeremy Ryan
Chair, Vermont Libertarian Party
Vermont Libertarian Party
PO Box 5475
Burlington VT 05402-5475
Phone: (802) 735-2149
Email: [email protected]