Benjamin Todd Enters State Representative Race (Orleans-Calendonia-1)
Benjamin Todd of Barton is pleased to announce his candidacy for the Vermont house in the Orleans-Caledonia 1 district. This includes the towns of Albany, Barton, Craftsbury, Glover, Greensboro, Sheffield and Wheelock.
He is seeking both the Libertarian Party nomination and the Republican Party nomination. The Libertarian Party will nominate candidates on July 31 2006, and the Republican Party primary will be held in September.
I would like to touch on a few issues that are important to me.
Property rights: Current Vermont septic law forces anyone who is building a house to hire an engineer to design a septic. The problem being that there are not enough engineers, and they are very costly. My solution is to offer a licensing program for contractors, builders, and /or homeowners. They could take a course in septic design and then would be able to build a septic system for a fraction of the cost of an engineer.
Vermont needs to have a policy on wind towers. Instead of tying up companies for years only to deny the permit we should have a streamlined legal process to either quickly approve or deny the application.
Taxes: Property taxes are out of control. We need to find a better way to fund education then property taxes or give control of schools and how they are funded back to the towns. Even since the state “fixed” the education problem by taking property tax money and then doling it back out we have seen huge tax increases that are much more then people bargained for.
Currently state federal and local governments take over 40% or the average Americans income. That means you work for over 1/3 of the year just to pay taxes. Although I can not do anything about the federal government, I will work to cut taxes across the board by privatizing many of the services that the state now offers. A private company will be much better at stopping abuse, and will be able to manage many programs in a fiscally responsible manner.
Healthcare: A big problem for many Vermonters is a lack of decent health insurance. Laws passed restricting insurance companies in Vermont have driven all but a few out of the state. Many candidates are supporting a Canadian style health care system where the government pays all medical bills. If anyone watches the Canadian news they would hear constant stories about people on 6 month waiting lists to see a doctor. I am supporting a Swiss style health care system. First we would eliminate all restrictions on health insurance companies. Second we would build a safety net to cover the costs above 10% of a person’s income. This would insure that seniors, disables persons, or people with pre-existing conditions would have quality private health insurance while keeping rates low for others.
Personal freedom and responsibility:
I believe that individuals have the right to live their lives as they see fit as long as they do not infringe on the rights of others to do the same. Individuals are also solely responsible for their own actions.
Benjamin Todd lives in Barton with his wife Kelly and their two children Gabrial and Brooklyn. He ran for state house on 2004 as a Libertarian, and is a member of the Vermont Libertarian Party state committee. He is a member of the Castle coalition (citizens against eminent domain abuse).
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